About Us

Voices From The Earth, Inc. is a theater arts organization based in Thomas, WV that has been serving the community since 1991. Our academy located at the Thomas Education Center, offers a variety of classes and performances in dance, theater and music.

Our touring program offers performance and workshops through West Virginia and the mid-Atlantic Region.

Why Live Theater?

"The foundation of theater is a live, human experience, which is different from any other form of art that I know of. Painting, writing, music happen in a mostly interpretive way, which is to say that somebody sits down and writes something and then somebody else interprets it, often in front of a camera. Live theater, where real human beings are standing in front of real human behings, is about the fact that we have all set aside this hour; the sharing goes in both directions." -Daniel Stein

VFTE Motto

Voices From The Earth Uses The Performing Arts To Give Voice To The Past And Shape The Future.

VFTE Mission

The vision of VFTE began in arts education. There is still a need to fulfill that vision and mission. VFTE has a unique position to offer quality art based experiences in the area of Arts and Humanities, in education and community development. I see the purpose for a company like VFTE in collecting and framing and preserving American, particularly African American History through its culture and artistic expression.

VFTE Vision

VFTE aspires to be a model for thought provoking artistic performance and quality arts education programing for organizations, schools and communities in West Virginia and beyond. We further aspire to model artistic collaboration and scholarship, promote creative and critical thinking, and inspire meaningful participation in personal, civic and cultural life.

VFTE Purpose

To heighten community awareness and educate the general public to the performing arts through the development, support, and production of musical, theatrical, and dance performances: to encourage interest in and give voice to the history, tradition, language and movement of the greater community through the performing arts; and to collaborate with and train artists and other community members in writing, directing, staging and performing.


The requirements for acceptance and participation in the programs of Voices From The Earth are the same for everyone without regard to race, color, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.

Special accommodations:

Please contact us at (304)288-6255 or info@vfte.org to alert us to your needs. Requests for additional learning support including magnification, large type study aides, physical assistance, a wheel chair worker, a sign language interpreter, hearing amplification, audio interpreter will be considered.

"This project was support by Grand # (2006 - JL - 0325) awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice".

Voices From The Earth would like to also acknowledge the support of the Tucker Community Endowment Foundation.