
Image description Create-A-Story is a two day classroom workshop (1 hour each day) where students create an original story, write it, cast it, stage it, rehearse it and perform it within their own classroom. Suitable for grades 2 through 12. Number of participants minimum 8 and maximum 25.

Birth to Five

Birth to Five is a workshop for parents and care givers of children aged from birth to 5 years.

The workshop will:

  • Discuss how children learn through songs, stories and finger plays.
  • Show how songs and stories teach vocabulary, pre-reading skills, mathematical concepts, creativity and thinking.
  • Teach simple songs and stories from around the world.
  • Use songs and stories for both find and gross motor development.
  • Give the opportunity to learn and practice songs and stories.
  • Provide participants with a list of references.

This initial workshop is for Adults only and a second session with children attending will be negotiated at this session.

Length: 3 hours / maximum: 20 and minimum 5

Readers Theater

Readers Theater is a tow day workshop where students read and stage various scripts, stories and plays. Students increase their reading fluency, comprehension, verbal expression, listening skills, team work, vocabulary, and ability to manage stage fright.

Suitable for grades 2 through 12 - min 8 and max 25.

Teacher workshop - a three (3) hour workshop in learning theater principles to be applied to a Readers Theater setting. The intent is to help students with fluency and expression and Teachers will learn how to frame student's presentations.

Suitable for Teachers, parents, and teacher's aides.

Number of participants min 8 max 25.

Living Handmade Life

Living a Handmade Life: Underground Railroad Workshops

These one day workshops are designed for all participants to experience some of the oral traditions and culture that were common for our ancestors. The time period is 1800 - 1860.

This can be a three to five hour workshop and activities can include rope making, rag doll making, creative writing, stories, games and songs and quilting. For a three hour workshop select three activities, four hour select four activities and five hour select all five activities.

Suitable for grades 2 through 12.

Number of participants min 8 and max 25.